
How Did The Bolshevik Revolution In Russia In 1917 Change The Course Of The War?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 had an enormous bear upon on politics on a global calibration for many 
decades. Nothing came close to information technology in importance – a fact recognised at the time and which continues to prove compelling a total century later.

There were, of course, two revolutions that yr. When people write about historic impact they are nearly e'er referring to the October Revolution, past which Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized ability in Petrograd and proclaimed the showtime of a new era in human being diplomacy that would, they asserted, bring communism to the unabridged earth. But the before revolution in Feb was acclaimed at the fourth dimension every bit an issue of momentous international significance because it brought the downfall of the Romanov monarchy. The Russian political system was widely reviled as the bastion of political reaction in Europe, and Nicholas Ii was dismissed as a butcher of the peoples in his empire. When he abdicated in March 1917 at that place were joyous celebrations not only in Russia but also in Paris and London. Crowds gathered to welcome the prospect of democracy.

Russia's last monarch, Nicholas II, pictured under arrest following his abdication in March 1917 at the end of the 
February Revolution. (Getty Images)
Russian federation'south last monarch, Nicholas Two, pictured under arrest post-obit his abdication in March 1917 at the cease of the 
Feb Revolution. (Getty Images)

There had been like presentiments in 1905, when the massacre of peaceful petitioners outside the Winter Palace was followed by public demonstrations throughout the cities of the Russian empire. Strikes, rural disturbances and mutinies came close to bringing downward the monarchy, and Nicholas was compelled to issue the 'Oct Manifesto', in which he promised to undertake reforms encompassing civic freedoms and constituent representative institutions. This concession, extracted from a reluctant tsar, was accompanied by roughshod repression of the revolutionary parties. By the end of 1906 Nicholas II had stabilised his authorization – albeit at a price: he had to allow the creation of the State Duma (Russia's first elected parliament) and to permit broader freedom of expression and associates. And over the next few years he tried to claw back the powers that he had inherited upon the decease of his father in 1894.

  • The legacy of the Romanovs: how is the terminal Russian imperial family remembered in Russia?
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The revolutionary parties, both liberals and far-left socialists such equally the Bolsheviks, were disappointed that Nicholas had managed to cling on to his throne. But he had been humbled, and the Romanov monarchy was never the same again. The spectacle of Nicholas 'the Bloody' being forced to accept the being of an elected parliament had an influence on revolutionaries and reformers around the globe. Those in Turkey and Red china took heart, and reinforced their effort to secure the transformation of politics in their own countries. Where Russia had led, they reasoned, surely others would speedily follow.

A photo (possibly staged) shows Bolsheviks storming the Winter Palace in Petrograd
A photo (possibly staged) shows Bolsheviks storming the Winter Palace in Petrograd, ejecting the cabinet of the conditional Russian government. (Getty Images)

When Nicholas Two stepped downward in the revolutionary crisis of March 1917, the situation was radically unlike. Russian federation, forth with France and the United Kingdom, was involved in the First World War against Germany and Republic of austria-Hungary. At first it was believed by pro-war politicians in Paris and London that a dynastic incubus had been excised from the Russian body politic, and that the Allied cause could only benefit. Nicholas'southward indulgence of the religious mystic and serial philanderer Grigory Rasputin had brought the imperial courtroom into disrepute, and food shortages snapped the patience of Saint petersburg workers and garrison soldiers, who took to the streets to call for an end to the monarchy. Just the Russian regular army on the eastern front was acquitting itself well during that long, cold wintertime, and many western politicians, including the Americans – who joined the war in Apr – were jubilant that gratuitous Russia would now exist able, under a liberal-led provisional government, to fight the Germans with heightened morale and efficiency.

Foreigners who yearned for reform in their ain countries were impressed by the extent of the changes that emerged following the monarchy's demise. Even Bolshevik leader Lenin best-selling that Russian federation had become "the freest state in the world". Lenin, at that time living in exile in Switzerland, aimed to exploit any opportunity to overthrow the new cabinet and unfurl the flag of communist revolution.

Foreigners who yearned for reform in their own countries were impressed by the extent of the changes that emerged following the monarchy's demise

However, atmospheric condition proved helpful. The urban economy collapsed. The assistants disintegrated, and field of study broke down in the military. Ultimate real authorisation lay not with the cabinet only with the workers' councils ('soviets') that sprang up in cities, and the Bolsheviks worked hard to become themselves elected to leading positions in these councils. By October, Lenin had convinced his political party that soviets could serve as the foundations of a revolutionary administration.

Accessible communism

Lenin was a fanatical Marxist who accounted that just he could fairly interpret the doctrines of Marx and Engels. Short and stocky, he surprised even his ain political party in the way he successfully adapted to the demands of open up politics in the revolution. Returning to Leningrad in April 1917, he recruited a old anti-Bolshevik Marxist leader, Leon Trotsky, to the Bolshevik party on the grounds that they agreed both about the need to stop the Get-go Globe War and virtually the opportunity to overthrow the conditional government. Though Lenin was a rousing speaker, Trotsky was an orator of genius. Both were outstanding in their ability to simplify communist doctrines and policies to a course that was accessible to listeners who knew zilch of Marxist intellectual intricacy. The Bolshevik central leadership included other figures who bristled with political talent, among them Josef Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Felix Dzerzhinsky. All were committed to the objective of overthrowing the conditional authorities, and the party's rank and file endorsed their radicalism.

Lenin and Josef Stalin in discussion in 1922. After Lenin's death two years later, Stalin rose to power and instituted rapid industrialisation and agricultural collectivisation. (Getty Images)
Lenin and Josef Stalin in discussion in 1922. After Lenin'due south death two years after, Stalin rose to power and instituted rapid industrialisation and agricultural collectivisation. (Getty Images)

On 25 October, the Bolsheviks led the military-revolutionary commission of the Petrograd Soviet into action and threw out the old cabinet. Lenin became chairman of Sovnarkom, the new Soviet authorities, which proclaimed a total reversal of previous policies. A general peace was to be arranged in the earth war. State was transferred to peasant control. Large-calibration industry and the banking organisation were nationalised.

The Bolshevik party believed that if just it could communicate its message to workers and soldiers on both sides in the war, those people, too, would rise up and throw out their governments. Soon, surely, there would be a 'European socialist 
revolution'. Lenin and his comrades had taken a political 
gamble they believed was a cinch bet. Rival socialists in 
Russian federation warned that the odds were heavily against them, and that civil war and dictatorship were the likeliest results; they saw the Bolsheviks every bit irresponsible adventurers. Few people gave Sovnarkom much chance of enduring survival. But anybody was aware that an event of huge international importance had taken place.

  • The red dawn: the October Revolution
  • Books interview with Robert Service: "Nicholas II brought the Russian Revolution upon his own head"

For Centrolineal politicians, the danger was that Lenin, fifty-fifty if he were in power but briefly, would impairment the war effort. Sovnarkom agreed a truce with the Germans and Austrians on the eastern front. It was obvious that, if the truce became a permanent peace, German divisions would be moved from e to west. That would decisively tip the military machine balance against the Allies.

Peace was signed between Sovnarkom and the Central Powers at Brest-Litovsk in March 1918, and Germany came close to breaking the back of the western front in the jump. But the French and British armies held firm, and it was the German military machine that croaky. The war was over.

Utopian dreams dashed

The Bolsheviks, meanwhile, found themselves, as their political enemies on the left had predicted, engulfed by a civil war. Most of them had expected to undertake a revolution that would motility smoothly from success to success, and they had a deep suspicion of standing armies. But they learned by hard feel that for 'Soviet power' to survive, they must course a Red Army on principles of regular discipline, and employ the expertise of officers who had served in Nicholas Ii's armed services. They 
had started, too, with ideas most liberating the initiative of 
ordinary factory workers. Instead they discovered that the 
Russian working class increasingly blamed them for failing to regenerate the economy and guarantee nutrient supplies. Bolshevik leaders reacted by suppressing strikes and tightening their dictatorship. Bolshevism increasingly revealed and over-fed its 
principles of hierarchical, punitive organisation. The utopian, libertarian ideas that had inspired many party leaders and members in 1917 faded from the immediate agenda.

Soldiers of the Bolshevik Red Army, pictured c1920 during the Russian civil war. Red Army troops could be identified by the distinctive Budenovka cloth hat adorned with a star. (Getty Images)
Soldiers of the Bolshevik Red Army, pictured c1920 during the Russian civil war. Red Army troops could exist identified past the distinctive Budenovka cloth lid adorned with a star. (Getty Images)

All the same the Bolsheviks still adhered to the goal of global revolution and in March 1919 created the Communist International (Comintern), the idea being to course communist parties throughout the globe. Agents and subsidies were made bachelor to achieve this. In almost every country information technology proved possible to set upward organisations to challenge the governing elites. With Moscow'due south aid, translations of the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky were made available. The word went forth that, nevertheless difficult the path, Russian federation'southward communists were advancing towards the creation of a new kind of society that would bring health, shelter, teaching and material well-being to all members of society, and in the first instance the benefits would be directed towards the working poor. Communists produced cartoons of bloated capitalists, cigars in their mouths and purses of gilded dangling from their belts, exploiting the 'proletariat'. Vicious commanders and dyspeptic bishops were often depicted as the assistants of bankers and industrialists. In postwar Europe and even north America such ideas fell widely on fertile soil.

Exporting Bolshevism

Indeed, the Bolshevik model was apace adopted in Bavaria and Hungary in 1919, where defeat in the war had led to political breakdown and food shortages. Far-left socialists seized their chance to take power in Munich and Budapest. The Bavarian revolutionaries were singularly incompetent, lacking the practical skills that Bolsheviks had developed in the long years during which they'd had to dodge the clutches of the tsarist surreptitious police. Ruby revolution was snuffed out in Munich inside a few weeks, and anti-communist demobilised officers and soldiers suppressed like attempts in Berlin.

In Republic of hungary, though, the communists were meliorate prepared. Led by Béla Kun, they put themselves forward equally the just party that refused to bow the articulatio genus to the Allies. State ownership was declared throughout the urban economic system and an attempt was made to impose a collective farming system on the peasantry. However, ceremonious war followed, and a Romanian invading force defeated Kun's regular army.

Béla Kun, the Bolshevik communist revolutionary who led Hungary for 
a few months in 1919. (Getty Images)
Béla Kun, the Bolshevik communist revolutionary who led Republic of hungary for 
a few months in 1919. (Getty Images)

By 1920, by contrast, the civil state of war in Russia had ended in a communist triumph. Such was Lenin's conviction in the 
Ruby Army that he deployed it confronting Poland with a view to 
exporting revolution to central Europe. The thought was not only to communise the Poles merely also to pause through to Germany and resuscitate the will of far-left socialists and communist sympathisers to overthrow the German language government. Thus would be realised the dream of 'European socialist revolution'. But Lenin had made a gross miscalculation. The Red Army met with tremendous resistance brusque of Warsaw as Poles, including workers, massed to repel invasion by the old national enemy. Sovnarkom, desperate at a fourth dimension when it was facing peasant revolts in Russia and Ukraine, sued for peace. The humiliation was complete, and for many years afterwards the communist leadership in Moscow dropped plans to consign revolution to Europe by military force.

A starving family in the Volga area, pictured during the famine that afflicted the area over the winter of 1921/22, caused in part by the economic and logistic effects of the Russian Revolution. (Getty Images)
A starving family unit in the Volga surface area, pictured during the famine that afflicted the surface area over the winter of 1921/22, caused in function past the economic and logistic effects of the Russian Revolution. (Getty Images)

It did, though, continue to supply guidance and subsidies to parties belonging to Comintern. Equally reports grew near communist atrocities in the Soviet Marriage, there was a predictable political reaction in the west. Governments and churches denounced the 'red menace'; they spoke out against the collectivist purposes of communism, and dedicated the values of faith, tradition and individual freedom. Fascist parties sprang upward to counter communist influences in their countries – and these parties were organised according to a pattern of hierarchy and militancy that copied Bolshevism itself. The political far right seldom neglected to mention in its propaganda that several of the Bolshevik leaders were of Jewish origin. This idea was employed as a way of portraying communists who operated in European countries equally alien conspirators who sought to bring Christian civilisation to an end.

Equally reports grew near communist atrocities in the Soviet Union, at that place was a predictable political reaction in the west

Lenin died in 1924 simply the Soviet state, which designated itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), survived the internal battles over policy and the political success. Josef Stalin, having overcome the claiming from Leon Trotsky, initiated a comprehensive campaign to deepen the foundations of Lenin's October Revolution. From 1928 
Stalin introduced a programme of forced-rate industrialisation and violent agricultural collectivisation. The Red Army was 
increased in size and re-equipped with advanced weaponry. At the aforementioned time Stalin spread a network of modern educational facilities ranging from primary schools to universities. The communist party, which was already in charge of every governmental agency in the USSR, received the task of leading the entrada. Dissent was mercilessly suppressed. The powerful political police was reinforced. Stalin's name was ceaselessly glorified in the media.

A Russian propaganda illustration from 1929 shows the force of opposition to fascism. Conversely, Hitler was determined to halt the spread of communism. (Getty Images)
A Russian propaganda illustration from 1929 shows the force of opposition to fascism. Conversely, Hitler was determined to halt the spread of communism. (Getty Images)

At final, information technology was boasted, the Soviet state could defend itself and realistically hope that strange sympathisers would observe ways to emulate its achievements through their own revolutions. This served to agitate those foreigners who dreaded the establishment of communism. In Germany and France the communist parties were big, vocal and active. When Hitler came to ability in 1933, he portrayed himself equally the just man in Europe who could forestall communism's accelerate, and he speedily suppressed the German communist political party and arrested those of its leaders who had not fled abroad. In the Spanish 
Civil War, from 1936, warplanes were sent by Fascist Italy and the Third Reich to aid the defection against a republic that was supported past, among others, communists. The struggle betwixt communism and fascism culminated in Hitler's invasion of the USSR in 1941.

Domination and decline

At offset it appeared that the end of the Oct Revolution was nigh. Simply the USSR re-grouped its defences exterior Moscow and St. petersburg and, using its industrial hinterland and its people'south patriotic spirit, crushed the German Wehrmacht and fought its way to Berlin. The Soviet Union took a leading role in the settlement after the Second World War, forcing the world to accept its domination of eastern Europe. Information technology also acquired nuclear weaponry to compete with American armed forces power.

In 1949 another swell land, Communist china, underwent communist revolution. For many decades it appeared that communism's territorial expansion would be difficult to prevent. The rivalry between the two superpowers, the USSR and 
the USA, was at the fulcrum of the Cold War. Yet Soviet might came at an internal price that in the mid-1980s compelled the communist leadership 
itself to undertake comprehensive reform. From 1985, under the dynamic reforming leader Mikhail 
Gorbachev, the USSR was 'restructured'.

Mikhail Gorbachev, pictured on the day of 
his resignation as leader of the Soviet Union, 
25 December 1991. (Getty Images)
Mikhail Gorbachev, pictured on the day of 
his resignation as leader of the Soviet Matrimony, 
25 December 1991. (Getty Images)

Gorbachev'due south efforts served mainly to destroy the foundations of land power. In Dec 1991 he saw that his dream was in tatters, and announced the abolition of the USSR. For Gorbachev this was a personal tragedy because he fervently believed in what he regarded equally the greatness of Lenin'south ideology. It was also a landmark in earth history. The October Revolution was at last dead in its homeland. What Hitler had failed to accomplish past deliberate means, a Russian – indeed, a Russian communist – had inadvertently brought about, and Soviet communism tumbled into the wastepaper basket of history.

Robert Service is a historian whose books include The Penguin History of Modern Russia: From Tsarism to the Twenty-first Century (Penguin, 2022)

This article was taken from issue 2 of BBC World Histories Magazine, start published in February 2022


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