
Which Describes The Ability Of A Community To Resist Change

Learn how to build chapters for and create system modify, drawing upon a diverse group of stakeholders to make improvements.

Multicolored hands reaching up, spelling out the word "change."

Almost of u.s.a. want the same things from our communities. We want them to be safety from violence and disease; we want neighborhoods that are alive and that work well. And nosotros would all similar to have people who care for united states of america and whom we trust.

But how practice we develop a customs like that? Our belief is that communities are congenital when people work together on things that matter to them. In this section, nosotros'll talk about what we mean past that, and explore our idea of how nosotros can get at that place from here -- what might exist called our "model of alter" or "theory of practise."

We'll start this section with some definitions that will aid ground the ideas we are trying to go across. Then, we'll look at the advantages of collaborative efforts: why we believe information technology makes sense for people to work together to solve problems they share.

Next, we'll await at key partners in community efforts, and so, we will draw the model of change that is the focus of this section. We'll supplement that model with principles and values that we believe should influence how community efforts unfold. Finally, we'll shut with some broad recommendations for working together to assistance build healthier communities.

Definitions: Community, health, partnerships, chapters

By customs, we mean a group of people who share a mutual identify, experience, or interest. We ofttimes employ this term for people who alive in the same area: the same neighborhood, the same city or town, and fifty-fifty the same state or state.

People may also consider themselves part of a community with others who have had similar experiences. For example, people may see themselves every bit role of a:

  • Racial or ethnic community (for example, the African-American customs, the Hispanic community)
  • Religious community (for example, the Catholic community, the Hindu customs, or the Muslim customs)
  • Customs of people with disabilities (those with visual impairments, developmental disabilities, or mental affliction)

Finally, a community may be formed of people interested in the same things. For case, we may talk most the business community, the labor community, or the kid advocacy community.

Community health refers to the well-being of everyone in a community. It asks the question, "How healthy are all of the members of our community? Our children and adolescents? Older adults? The poor?"

Collaborative partnerships are alliances to improve the health of a customs. They encourage people to get together and make a difference. For instance, an endeavour to ameliorate education might involve schoolhouse officials, youth, parents, teachers, business organisation people, and non-turn a profit staff and volunteers. Because these partnerships bring people together from all parts of the community, their efforts are more probable to exist successful.

Community capacity refers to the ability of community members to make a difference over time and beyond different issues. Capacity isn't a one-time thing; like learning to ride a bike, information technology's non something that disappears once you've experienced it. And like riding a bike, we get better the more than we practice.

For instance, if a community that develops a successful collaboration for substance abuse decides later that rates of babyhood immunization aren't high enough in their community, and they might as well work effectively to improve those rates. Past translating what they learned while developing the substance abuse coalition (for instance, ways to recruit members or to work with the media) they should exist able to exercise a good task and effectively better the immunization rates. A community has demonstrated strong community capacity when it can bring virtually community changes over time and beyond concerns.

The power of collaborative partnerships

Collaborative partnerships are a powerful way to better our communities. To improve our communities, nosotros must all work together to solve problems.

I reason for this is that issues that matter to local people, such equally child health, academic success, or substance abuse, don't fit into neat categories. The things that make one event probable to become a problem commonly affect other things too. Defining our problems every bit being connected to other issues (and people) helps usa to run into the many ways in which we are linked together.

For example, accept the case of a mother and begetter who both agree down several low-paying jobs. They don't take much time for their children, and they may smoke cigarettes to cope with all of their stress. Their children are exposed to second-hand smoke and other health hazards, such as cockroaches and lead pigment in their poor housing.

What are the results? For the children, spending less time with their parents may hurt their early development. Exposure to hazards increases their risks for chronic disease such as asthma. As a whole, the situation makes it more difficult for the children to succeed at school. Finally, the probability of a skillful chore is lowered dramatically for the parents, their children, and for their children's children.

Who should be involved?

It'due south important that the collaboration is as inclusive every bit possible. This means individuals from the different parts of the community for example, representatives from schools, business concern, and the government. Information technology also means representatives from different levels for instance, representatives from the neighborhood, the canton, the state or province, and even the broader region or nation.

Key partners in a broad collaboration should include:

  • Those afflicted by the problem
  • Local members of existing community partnerships
  • Support organizations/ those who piece of work closely with those afflicted past the trouble
  • Local policymakers
  • Grantmakers
  • Governmental agencies

Allow'southward look at each of these partners more closely.

State and community partnerships

The about obvious member in a collaborative effort volition be the community or country partnerships themselves -- the groups of people who are working directly to change their communities. These groups, which are often nonprofit organizations, are found in most any community. Examples include:

  • The Kansas City Partnership for Children
  • The Piscataway Substance Corruption Coalition
  • The Durham Teen Pregnancy Prevention Projection
  • The Bronzeville Community Initiative

It'due south of import to realize that while these organizations will be part of a larger collaboration with funders and support organizations, they are also collaborative arrangements in their own right. That'south because collaborative partnerships link organizations drawn from dissimilar parts of the community. For case, a community partnership to promote child health might include representatives from:

  • The media
  • The business organisation community
  • Area schools
  • Civic and customs organizations
  • Youth organizations
  • Local government
  • Health organizations
  • The faith community
  • Financial institutions

People from each of these areas will exist able to promote child health in of import, unique means. By working together, a strong partnership volition exist in the community.

Support and intermediary organizations

The second partner in a wide collaborative partnership is support and intermediary organizations. Some local, regional, and statewide organizations can provide technical assistance for community partnerships. These intermediary organizations tin can help community partnerships build on the "cadre competencies" that are necessary for working on community issues. For instance, a university research center might give communication on such topics as community assessment, strategic planning, advocacy, leadership development, and evaluation.

Intermediary organizations can besides help assess what the partnerships demand and provide them with that support. For example, land and canton health departments tin can help community groups past developing wellness information systems that provide canton-level data (for example, the percent of children without proper immunizations). They and other related support organizations can also offering other information useful for making decisions.

Grantmakers and governmental agencies

Finally, grantmakers and governmental agencies are also of import members in these wide collaborative partnerships. That'south because foundations and governmental agencies tin help create the conditions for community partnerships to exist successful. How do they do this? Certainly, by providing the financial resource needed by partnerships and intermediary organizations. This is the nearly obvious of the ways in which funders contribute. Many groups rely strongly (if non completely) on funding from grantmakers or the government to survive.

However, this important contribution is simply i way in which grantmakers and governmental agencies can contribute to a collaborative partnership. They tin also foster community piece of work in the following ways:

  • Past giving a group some funding, funders actually make additional funding more than likely by adding to the group's credibility.
  • Grantmakers tin can use requests for proposals (RFPs) equally a mode to bring groups together around a common purpose. And, in doing then, they can forge ties amidst different people working in the aforementioned customs.
  • Finally, grantmakers and governmental agencies can also assist make outcomes matter by application additional funding if groups attain their objectives.

With an understanding of all of these parts, allow's await at how these partners tin can work together to improve their communities.

How to build healthier communities: A model for community change

At that place are five basic parts to this model:

i) Community context and planning
2) Customs action and intervention
3) Community and arrangement change
four) Risk and protective factors and widespread behavior change
v) Improving more than distant outcomes (the long-term goals)

Here are a couple of full general ideas to keep in listen as we go through this model:

  • This model is meant to be fluid and interactive. For example, an agreement of the customs context and planning should guide community action, which should affect community and arrangement change, and and then on.
  • This model is meant to exist a continuous cycle. For case, comeback in more distant outcomes, such as reduced rates of violence, should lead to a renewed cycle of planning and action for these or other issues that matter to members of the customs.

The bottom line? There isn't a day when community work ends. In a healthy community, working together for the good of the community is a constant part of everyone's lives.

With these ideas in mind, let'south wait at the individual parts of this logic model or theory of activity.

Image of the Logic Model with the five steps outlined below, depicted in a continuous circle.

The Future of the Public'south Health in the 21st Century. Institute of Medicine (United states of america) Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century. Washington (DC): National Academies Printing (U.s.a.); 2002.

1. Assessing, prioritizing, and planning

The get-go step is agreement the context, or the community conditions, in which people act. The context is influenced by many things, such as:

  • People's hopes and expectations--for example, the belief that things tin alter
  • Problems, particularly poverty
  • Strong and deep leadership: a diverse team with vision, competence, and persistence
  • Adequate fiscal resources
  • Approval (or resistance) from the community (or from those in authorization) when people attempt to change things
  • The broader political and social context

Within this context, people may come together to identify bug that matter to them, such as transportation, job opportunities, affordable housing, or substance abuse prevention, to requite merely a few examples. They may gather and review community-level indicators to help understand markers for important measures in the community. For case, records of assaults at school are ane customs-level indicator of violence in the community; nighttime unmarried-vehicle machine crashes tin can be used as an indicator for substance abuse in a customs.

After in the life of the community grouping, these can serve as benchmarks for detecting whether or non they are making progress on their goals. For example, they tin look at the level of violence and meet if it has decreased since implementation of prevention strategies.

With an understanding of the context, the group can move forward with planning. Collaborative planning is a critical and ongoing task that brings together people and organizations with different experiences and resources. Together, they clarify or develop a vision, mission, objectives, strategies, and action steps for bringing almost changes in the community.

2. Implementing targeted action

The planning process should be followed past taking action to implement the plan.

How can a community organization overcome any potential opposition? View this Troubleshooting Guide for dissimilar responses a group might make, depending on its detail situation.

3. Changing community conditions and systems

The goal of the action plan is to bring most customs and system changes.

By community modify, we mean developing a new programme (or modifying an existing one), bringing about a modify in policy, or adjusting a practice related to the grouping's mission.

Let'south wait at the following examples:

  • A "condom ride" programme giving free rides and so people don't need to travel lonely in unsafe areas after dark (a new plan)
  • Policy changes such equally stronger penalties for people who commit crimes using a weapon (a change in policy)
  • New employment practices that allow workers flexible time to exist with children subsequently school (a change in practice)

Arrangement changes are similar to community changes, but accept place on a broader level. A business organization might implement its kid-friendly practices throughout its operations nationally. Another example is a alter in grantmaking policy to accolade cash incentives to grantees that accomplish their objectives.

4. Achieving widespread change in behavior and risk factors

When these community and system changes occur, they should, taken together, alter the environment in which a person behaves. This is sometimes referred to as increasing protective factors and/or decreasing the take chances factors of community members.

What are hazard and protective factors? They are aspects of a person's environment or personal features that brand information technology more than probable (risk factors) or less likely (protective factors ) that she will develop a given trouble. Often, hazard and protective factors tin can exist considered flip sides of the aforementioned coin. For example, if drugs are readily bachelor in your community, so easy accessibility is a risk factor. If they are very difficult to observe, then that lack of drugs is a protective factor. The intended outcome of environmental alter is widespread behavior modify of large numbers of people in the community.

v. Improving the population'southward wellness

Improvements in more distant outcomes, such as reducing violence or increasing employment rates and family unit incomes, are the ultimate goals of collaborative partnerships.

As we discussed before in this section, information on customs-level indicators can help you decide just how much progress y'all accept fabricated towards your goals. Information to see if efforts are working in different areas can be organized together in an almanac community "report card." This tin can let people throughout the community know how things are going, including information on community-level indicators, important community changes, and success stories.

Before we go on, it may be helpful to look once again at this process every bit a whole. Call back, this process is an interactive and continuous cycle.

  • The community context affects the system's planning
  • Guided past ongoing planning, the grouping generates community action and implements interventions
  • Community action brings about community and system changes
  • These customs and system changes, taken together, decrease chance factors (and enhance protective factors)
  • This environmental change should bear upon the beliefs of a large number of people in a positive manner
  • This widespread beliefs change should effect community-level indicators of improvement

Factors affecting the work of customs partnerships

In all the dissimilar parts of our lives, some things work, and others don't. Why is that? Think for a moment almost a school. Students take the same framework to work in each grade has the aforementioned learning objectives, for instance. All the same, some students (and schools) succeed and others fail. What causes that difference?

It's probably a combination of things -- support at home, a skilful teacher, and good (or not so expert) materials to use. Quite simply, within a framework that almost all students have, different events often hateful the difference between success and failure.

In the last few paragraphs, you have seen what we believe to be a workable model for building healthier communities. Simply like that school, what you've read is simply a framework. And dissimilar events that happen within the framework make it more or less likely that a customs group volition succeed.

For improving the health and development of a customs, we take found seven features that seem to be very important in determining whether a community effort fails or succeeds. In our research, each of the following "factors" has been related to the rate of customs change. We'll look at them one past ane.

Targeted mission

Having a targeted mission is one of the most important factors in whether or not a community group is effective.

A mission statement is your organization's statement of purpose; it tells what the arrangement is going to practise and why.

For example, an organization'south mission might be: "Our mission is to subtract adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases in Dade County through a community-wide endeavour which volition provide didactics and support to young people and their families."

Action planning

Action planning means identifying specific changes in the community or broader arrangement, and action steps to bring them about. During action planning, customs partnerships identify:

  • The community or system changes (new or altered programs, policies, and practices) to exist sought
  • The actions that will bring about desired community or organization changes
  • Who will have those actions
  • When they volition be done
  • What resources are needed to get the job done

When partnerships develop a plan of action, they are more successful bringing about community change and improvement.

Changes in leadership

Involving competent leaders with a clear vision helps change to occur more apace. Such leaders see customs partnerships as a way to mobilize the customs, describe out people's strengths, and celebrate members' accomplishments. These leaders are likely to head constructive collaborative partnerships.

The downside of this, of course, is that when such leaders leave an organization, groups accomplishments often suffer. Finding a mode to ease transitions and develop leadership within the group is an important factor in having groups that accept long, successful lives.

Resources for community mobilizers

One matter that is clear is the demand for people who deed every bit catalysts--customs mobilizers who will actually get things going in the community. They are the ones who will get-go the ball rolling on the actions that the group decides to practise. By hiring or recruiting community mobilizers, groups consistently make more changes happen.

Documentation and feedback

To know whether a community group's efforts are making a difference, it is important that the group documents efforts and results. Such information nigh the group'southward accomplishments should exist used to improve the group's ongoing efforts.

Documentation should occur for intermediate outcomes, such as community and system changes. Tracking these changes, as well as the groups' longer-term goals, can aid the collaborative partnerships empathise, celebrate, and improve their overall efforts.

Technical help

Practiced leaders work to concenter competent people with skills that complement those of other people in the system. By doing so, team members grow and become stronger in their work.

Outside help, which may take the class of technical assistance, tin can exist a jiff of fresh air for your organization. That's considering the core competencies necessary for community organizations oft transcend the diverseness of targeted missions and specialties people work in. For example, action planning will be important to community work on environmental advocacy, child abuse, mental wellness, or well-nigh any other community issue.

The goal of technical assistance should always be the same: to build the community'southward ability to have care of the things that thing to its members. This website is an example of this kind of assistance. The Community Tool Box contains over 100 sections that can support technical assistance efforts.

Making outcomes thing

Finally, grantmakers and governmental agencies can help those they support by clearly stating and rewarding desired results. For example, a foundation in Kansas (The statesA.) announced that connected funding would be based on evidence of progress. The event was that the corporeality of customs modify increased dramatically. This aforementioned grantmaker now uses bonus grants to encourage progress.

Possibilities for rewarding results include:

  • Providing bonus grants for groups that attain of import objectives
  • Application result dividends -- that is, giving communities funds for re-investment that they have finer saved past prevention efforts

X recommendations for promoting customs wellness and evolution

Throughout this department, we take talked most the three groups who are the important players in collaborative partnerships: local members of land and community partnerships, support organizations, and grantmakers and governmental agencies.

Much of the decision-making and work must happen inside the communities themselves. However, all of these groups tin can piece of work together and assist create weather under which information technology is more likely that community efforts will be successful. Based on the model we discussed above, nosotros propose ten specific recommendations to assist people who are trying to change their communities for the ameliorate.

1. Working with community partnerships, grantmakers and governmental agencies should develop a social marketing plan to promote involvement in customs work.

  • The marketing plan should assist convince customs members that working together to solve public problems should become an of import part of their daily lives.
  • The messages should contradict the idea that the community can't solve its own bug.
  • The plan should focus on encouraging community involvement.
  • Messages for dissimilar members of the community should be delivered in unlike ways. For case, messages to teenagers should exist delivered differently than messages to older adults.
  • The program should include a way to communicate the expert things going on. Success stories and profiles of people who take done fantastic work should be shared with the community.
  • The social marketing campaign should use different methods of communication to attain the greatest number of people. For example, it might apply posters, notes on the Cyberspace, and editorials in the local paper, to give merely a few examples.

2. Develop partnerships where people tin work together to improve their customs.

  • Grant funds should be directed towards broad customs partnerships. By having a broad partnership, the customs volition have a structure that is strong plenty to make a existent touch on different community problems.
  • Partnerships should involve both people who take power and those nigh afflicted by the issue.
  • Many different ways in which people tin can exist a office of the partnership should be provided.
  • Grantmakers should attempt to invest in the aforementioned identify and permit work beyond the normal boundaries. For instance, information technology's ofttimes the case that i group in the customs will receive a grant to forestall substance abuse, some other will receive a grant to amend instruction, then on. We suggest grantmakers work together to offering larger grants to community partnerships that tin work on several of these interrelated issues at the same time.

iii. Provide data to help focus efforts on issues with the greatest outcome on community wellness and development.

  • Collaborative partnerships should develop objectives based on two things: the level of community problems (i.e., the statistics) and what members of the community find important.
  • Support organizations should develop a model of modify (such equally the i outlined in this section) to help guide community work.

iv. Back up action planning to improve the customs.

  • Planning should begin early and never stop. Annual action planning retreats tin can renew the group'due south efforts and be supplemented by regular adjustments.
  • When something works, its use should be widely promoted. For example, a "handbag information technology" program that allows young people to call in orders for contraceptives and accept them discretely wrapped in a newspaper handbag might increment contraceptive use dramatically amongst at-risk youth in a small-scale customs. If that proves to be the case, that plan should be promoted in newsletters and through word of mouth, so that similar organizations can exercise the same thing. It'southward important to recollect, though, that programs oftentimes need to be adjusted to fit local weather.
  • The focus of action planning should be on transforming the environs to brand behaviors than promote wellness and evolution more than likely to occur.
  • By gathering pertinent data about adventure and protective factors, partners in the collaborative effort can meliorate focus their efforts on new programs, policies, or practices that will cause positive changes in the environment.
  • Some of the customs changes should try to reach the whole customs; others should be targeted at people who are at a college run a risk.

5. Provide investments in collaborative partnerships that are large enough and last long enough to make a difference.

  • Fund community partnerships long enough to make a divergence (for case, for 5 to 10 years).
  • Provide resources to hire community mobilizers to act as catalysts in the customs.
  • Many larger organization changes your organisation will work for can have a long time to occur. Exist certain to develop and celebrate "pocket-size wins" milestones that volition regularly advantage everyone's efforts. This will help continue spirits upwards as you work to reach your goals.
  • Promote the sustainability of successful community partnerships. Groups that have proved their worth should exist rewarded with continuing efforts past funding partners.

vi. Use a variety of methods to build capacity for doing community work.

  • Offering many opportunities for people involved in community work to meet and learn from each other.
  • Utilize altitude education to give people the opportunity to learn with others doing similar work in different places.
  • Apply the Cyberspace to distribute "how-to" information for developing the cadre competencies of community work.
  • Link newer customs partnerships with those more than experienced, and connect established leaders with newer generations of leadership.

seven. Document the procedure of community and system modify to improve community work.

  • Leaders of initiatives should work with representatives from support organizations to develop meaningful ways to nowadays and use data on community and arrangement alter.
  • Honor organizations and individuals that bring about pregnant changes in their communities.
  • Use data on customs and system alter to brand adjustments in the group's activity programme.
  • Researchers should examine trends in community and system change to place the factors that might bear upon customs modify.
  • Utilize an annual state-of-the-partnership study to encourage accountability of members of community partnerships.

8. Make outcomes matter.

  • Establish and report on intermediate and more than afar outcomes--such equally high rates of of import customs and arrangement changes for community-determined goals.
  • Make renewal of community investments (for case, the continuation of a grant) conditional on evidence of progress by the group.
  • Laurels bonus grants to encourage progress and outstanding accomplishments.
  • Laurels issue dividends to advantage improvements in the bottom line. For case, if a customs has fewer teen pregnancies considering of the efforts of a local coalition, give the coalition some of the coin saved by the state by not having to pay for the teens' costs. For case, coin has been saved in hospital bills the state would accept paid for uninsured parents, every bit well as the costs of welfare for teen parents, and their children, and and then on.

9. Develop collaborative partnerships to increase the support for people working to meliorate their communities.

  • Develop broad collaborative partnerships among various organizations that truly represent the entire community. Members of the partnership should share the risks, resources, and responsibilities for community improvement.
  • Employers should modify their structures to support interest in public problem solving. For example, corporations might have a flextime policy that allows employees to volunteer in their community.
  • Customs partnerships, intermediary and back up organizations, and grantmakers and governmental agencies should act equally catalysts for change. They tin practice this by:
    • Convening people around health and development concerns;
    • Forging relationships amid people who can help address community issues; and
    • Helping get resources that few communities could access by themselves.

10. Time to come inquiry should help understand and improve the factors that touch on community wellness and evolution.

  • Examine whether and how lessening poverty and improving instruction bear upon community-level indicators of wellness and development.
  • Examine the conditions under which community and system alter are associated with improvements in long-term goals.
  • Allow people know what works--what are promising practices for edifice healthier communities. This can exist done through a multifariousness of unlike media (such every bit print and broadcast media, professional associations, and the Internet).

In Summary

A salubrious community is a form of living democracy: people working together to address what matters to them. Equally citizens, we have a duty to shape the basic weather condition that affect our lives with others in transforming communities, we are guided past shared values and principles that bind u.s. in common purpose.

Building healthier communities blends the local and the universal, the particular and broader contexts. Such efforts are grounded locally: the family, the neighborhood, and other familiar communities. To be effective, however, we must too bring diverse groups of people and organizations together to transform the broader weather condition that impact local piece of work. This requires backbone, incertitude, and religion: the courage to trust those outside our immediate feel, the doubt to question what is, and the faith to believe that together, nosotros volition make a difference.

The work of edifice healthier communities takes fourth dimension: our time, that of our children, and that of our children'southward children. A Jewish maxim counsels: "You are not bound to terminate the work, but neither are you complimentary to give it up." In our emerging ties beyond place and time, we join others in an endeavour to create environments worthy of all our children.

Online Resources

Building Healthy Communities (article*)

Building Multisectoral Partnerships for Population Wellness and Health Equity (article*)

Emerging Action Principles for Designing and Planning Community Modify is from Community Science and shares what science and do have taught united states of america about strengthening community.

A Framework for Customs Mobilization to Promote Salubrious Youth Development (article*)

The Hereafter of the Public's Wellness in the 21st Centuryfrom the Plant of Medicine (United states) Committee on Assuring the Wellness of the Public in the 21st Century. Washington (DC): National Academies Printing (U.s.a.); 2002.

The Power of Collaborative Solutions - Six Principles and Effective Tools for Edifice Healthy Communities, by Tom Wolff

Why the time to come belongs to customs enquiry is a video from TedX Talks, featuring Ronald Harvey. In his speech, he describes the role of community psychology in treating addiction.

Work Group on Wellness Promotion and Community Development. (March, 1998).Customs Tool Box, Chapter viii: Developing a Strategic Plan

* For more publications from the Center for Customs Health and Development, please visit our Publications page.

Print Resources

This Community Tool Box department is an edited version of the following invited paper (and volume chapter):

Fawcett, S. B., Francisco, V. T., Hyra,  South., Paine-Andrews, A., Schultz, J., Russos, S., Fisher, J., & Evensen, P. (1998). Edifice Good for you Communities. Invited Address to the Kansas Briefing on Health and Its Determinants. Sponsored by the Kansas Wellness Institute and the Kansas Health Foundation. Wichita, KS.

To announced in:

Tarlov, A., &  Peter  R. St. (Eds.) Order and Population Health. New York, NY: New Press.

The references cited in the in a higher place paper are as follows:


Aguirre, M. (1996).Customs-based approaches for the prevention of booze,tobacco, and other drug utilize.Annual Review of Public Health, 17, 337-358.

Altman, D., Balcazar, F., Fawcett, Due south., Seekins, T., & Young, J. (1994).Public health advocacy: Creating community change to better health. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention.

Tarlov, A., &  Peter, R. St. (Eds.) Society and Population Health. New York, NY: New Press.

Barker, R. (1968). Ecological psychology. Stanford, CA: Stanford Academy Printing.

Bernstein, J., & Michel, 50. (1997).Has income inequality stopped growing? Monthly Labor Review, 120 (12), 3-16.

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Carroll, J. (1997).Neighborhoods and citizenship. Lecture at the Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts. Broadcast by C-Span television network. November 15, 1997.

Citrin, T. (1998). Topics for our times: Public wellness--community or commodity? Reflections on Salubrious Communities. American Journal of  Public Health, 88(3), 351-352.

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Fawcett, Southward.(1991).Some values guiding community research and action. Journal of Practical Behavior Analysis, 24, 621-636.

Fawcett, S. (1999).Some lessons on community organization and change. In Rothman, J. (Ed.), Reflections on community organisation: Enduring themes and critical issues. (pp. 314-334). Itasca, IL:F.E. Peacock Publishers.

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Fawcett, Due south., Lewis, R., Paine, A., Francisco, Five., Richter, M., Williams, E. , & Copple, B. (1997).Evaluating customs coalitions for the prevention of substance abuse: The case of Projection Freedom. Wellness Education and Beliefs, 24(6), 812-828.

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